
萬法歸一 ,股海唯心至上,到頭來無一法可得,亦無甚麽可失



星期二, 3月 04, 2008


江湖中有不少人常以「PEG」拿作估值上市公司,尤其是增長型公司。「PEG」用法十分簡單,其計算方法連小學生也懂,「PEG」的計法是將「Forward P/E(預期市盈率)」除以「純利增長率(Earnings Growth Rate)」再乘以100倍。市場中不少人認為合理的「PEG」值應是1倍,不難見到在眾傳媒、網絡,甚至書籍中,有為數不少的人以「PEG」作為「終極估值真相」。


1) 如果未來一年的預期盈利增長等於20%的公司應值20倍市盈率,難道一間低增長的藍籌公司應值5至7倍市盈率,而盈利倒退的大市值公司則一文不值?
2) 地產公司的售樓盈利每年的波動性很大,今年經常性純利可能大升200%,下一年純利可能倒退70%,計入「物業合理值的升跌」後,情況更混亂。看君如何用「PEG」? (註: 地產股宜用「預期淨資產值(NAV)」)
3) 有時不少增長型公司於一至兩年內有很高的增長率,但期後增長率可能放緩至「Sustainable Level」。在此情況下,「PEG」亦看來不太有用。舉例說,恆生(11)於07年的純利增長超過50%,難道今年的市盈率應值50倍?
4) 一間藍籌型公司,與一間中小型公司,就算同樣處於同一行業以及享有同一預期盈利增長率,亦不等於其市盈率會一樣。何解? 原因是兩者的風險及盈利可預見度(Earnings Visibility)不同。


負責任的投資者會因應不同的行業,運用不同的估值方法,其中一個較為可靠的方法是「Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Approach」。當然「DCF」一法亦有其限制。使用者事先須假設「Discount Rate」及「Terminal Growth Rate」等「Parameters」,而且用家同時必須擁有一定的財經及會年知識。但相對「市盈率」、「市帳率」或「PEG」等快方法,「DCF」一法相對較為可靠。


2 則留言:

wine wine 說...

Just a comment.

I think for any theory one use to value a stock, there are certain limitations for it. Overall, I think PEG method is not bad, given you provide certain limitations.

1. In order to find the G, one should consider 4-5 years ( around one period of bull market) and take the average growth.

2. P/E is also a factor, one should calculate the P/E after 4-5 years in order to make sure P/E is below 8 at that time at least. (assuming average P/E is 16, so this make sure you double the money after 5 years)

with 1 and 2, the consequence is that PEG can only be used for companies with consistent growth for anaylsis, and almost cannot be used for IPO.

After applying this, one should keep track of the company and sell if the company cannot maintain the growth.

So I think there's nothing bad using PEG as a method to value a stock. It's just that people are not using it in the correct ways.

Unknown 說...

Dear Albert,

May you teach more DCF?

Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation!

Best Regards,