
萬法歸一 ,股海唯心至上,到頭來無一法可得,亦無甚麽可失



星期三, 3月 26, 2008




1) 各位應以禮貌和尊重為談話應有的態度。

2) 在沒有合理理據下對人作出人身攻擊是不能容忍。

3) 同樣地,在沒有合理理據下而否定其他人的論據是不能接受的。

4) 在沒有合理理據下而否定其他人的投資能力是不能接受的。

5) 換句說話,無理的指控、無中生有的謠言、或者是過份的先入為主的主觀意見,全部不能接受。

6) 筆者歡迎來自不同派系的意見。不論是技術派、或是末世教派,只要閣下的說話言之成理,筆者並不會干涉。即使認定明年是世界末日,亦須說明其因。

7) 另外,筆者並沒有責任去透露所有有關自己對某個經濟、行業或個股的詳情。始終每一個人有自己的知識產權,商業和金融市場亦是如此運作。當然,善意和對等的對話可能令多方分享更多的資訊和意見。




12 則留言:

CUP 說...

每一個人有自己的知識產權← 講得好! 個人無條件的分享卻被當成老奉, 這是最無癮的事。

szetobo 說...


SiMonChan 說...


會計仔 說...

what's cyclic? big ups and big downs, can be classified in 3 types: growing cyclic, plain cyclic, declining cylic.

growing cyclic, top of every wave is higher than before, e.g 347, profit CAGR >50% in a 10-year time, not counting shares placement dilution and RMB ex rate change

pain cycle, top and down of every wave similar to previous, e.g. TVB

declining cyclic, top and bottom of every wave lower than b4, e.g. SCMP main operations (excl the properties it holds), its net revenue for a job ad is just 20% of its paper ad, as time goes by, more and people would use net ad, its paper ad competitive adv would be defeated by net ad, which it has no comp. adv.

293 should be a mild-medium growing cyclic, considering rising pass. but falling cargo, due to improving mainland airports

阿爾伯特 說...

Thanks all.

Yes, "會計仔". Cyclicals are shares that their earnings are volatile due to various fundamental factors:

1) Revenue change, usually apply for CapEx / Fixed-Assets / commodity related companies, like equipment makers, ship builders and the miners. These companies tend to have stable margin but volatile revenue. Strictly speaking, property developers that rely on residential unit sales also belong to this category.

2) High fixed cost structure, making the earnings very volatile despite relatively stable revenue. Examples are airlines, property agent Midland & the automakers. These companies tend to have relatively steady revenue (I mean +/- 15%) but unstable profit.

3) For asset-based companies holding properties, oil reserve and precious metals, the values of these companies tend to fluctuate along with their underlying assets. They're also cyclical in terms of value.

Uptrend/flat/downtrend cyclicals depend on which country &/or industry the company is located at. Of course, the management vision and corporate strategy may also alter that partly. The cases of CX and ASM Pacific are examples showing how good companies can modify its cyclical nature from "Flat"/"Downtrend" to "Uptrend".

亦易 說...

同意﹗ Your suggestion and information is your treasure knowledge ! 每一個人有自己的知識產權!
永遠支持你﹗加油! Albert!


匿名 說...





阿爾伯特 說...

Great Soup:


seikomatic 說...



阿爾伯特 說...

Thanks, Seiko :P

王子無待堂 說...

Probably my fault comes from the problem as i act who i am, and say what i say. I believe the one who mind wont care, the one who care dont mind. Now, i know my words carry no weighting here. I will disappear and apologize for my annoying action.

阿爾伯特 說...

Hi Wong:
