
萬法歸一 ,股海唯心至上,到頭來無一法可得,亦無甚麽可失



星期四, 7月 16, 2009

High Frequency Trading

相信未來數個月後,「High Frequency Trading」一詞將會成為投資世界經常談論的題目。

據了解,「High Frequency Trading」是大行交易員運用的程式買賣系統,以自動模式為交易員以更快和更有效率的方法進行買賣活動。

傳统交易方法是交易員在「Real-Time」報價器面前望著買賣(Bid & Ask)的供求盤路而決定下單所放的價格。

相反,程式買賣系統則善用高速電腦的優勢,以較短的時間自動為交易員尋找買家或沽家,盡快完成買賣。另外,一些程式買賣系統亦會智能地從買賣盤落以及成交量的變化而作出交易(當然跟據交易員事先所定下的「Trading Rules」)。

據「FT/alphaville」一篇名為「The Cold War in high frequency trading」的文章,現時全球大有70%的股票買賣活動是由「High Frequency Trading」的程式買賣系統所完成。

然而,電腦主導的系統有時亦會有意無意地造成一些意想不到的結果,尤其是在收市前一分鐘內的時段內,而市場參與者變得「快來快住」之際。近排的例子就正如2009年7月15日滬深300 ETF (2827 HK)的收市價,或者是7月16日東方海外(316 HK)的收市價...........


尾市烏龍盤 標智ETF飈51%
(明報; 16 Jul, 09)




The Cold War in high frequency trading
(FT/alphaville; 8 Jul 09)

This April 2009 quote from Rick Bookstaber, with its overtones of Cold War mutually-assured destruction, seems eerily prophetic given recent events involving the alleged theft of Goldman Sachs’ proprietary high-frequency trading code by a programmer of Russian origin:

. . . high frequency trading is embroiled in an arms race. And arms races are negative sum games. The arms in this case are not tanks and jets, but computer chips and throughput. But like any arms race, the result is a cycle of spending which leaves everyone in the same relative position, only poorer.

While Bookstaber, who quite literally wrote the book on financial technology and quantitative trading strategies, was emphasising computer chips rather than code, the sentiment is easily transferable. Banks spend millions developing the types of proprietary trading programmes Serge Aleynikov stands accused of stealing as well as the actual hardware that enables them.

In fact, high frequency trading has boomed in recent years, to reportedly account for an estimated 70 per cent of average daily trading volume. The technology essentially involves automated tick-by-tick, high turnover buying and selling, which relies heavily on the speed and sophistication of the network and computer systems involved. These are lightning fast and voluminous trades to take advantage of minute and fleeting changes in prices. Speed is obviously essential — as is beating the competition to an arbitrage opportunity.

It’s probably (hopefully) not quite front-running, but it’s not far off in terms of speed.

In fact, to give you an idea of just what kinds of times we’re talking about, jck at Alea has dug up the following, showing order latency from BATS — the time it takes to execute a trade. BATS is the fastest of the alternative trading platforms, though the NYSE recently cut its own order latency to five milliseconds.

How high-frequency trading works
(Marketplace; 14 Jul 09)

One reason for the success of financial institutions like Goldman Sachs is the emphasis on high-frequency trading. Jill Barshay explores how fast technology can provide a cutting edge in the marketplace.

Steve Chiotakis: Later this morning Goldman Sachs is expected to release a big profit report. Even while other big banks are still struggling. One reason Goldman is succeeding so mightily is its emphasis on something called high-frequency trading. Jill Barshay reports.

Jill Barshay: In the old days, traders hit a computer key to buy or sell stocks.

Sang Lee is the managing partner of the Aite Group. He says that's old school.

Sang Lee: By the time I push a button to trade, it's not inconceivable that a machine could have already sent, you know, 2,000 orders out there.

There are two parts to high-frequency trading: the PhDs who write trading programs and the high speed computers that execute the trades. The faster your computer, the quicker you can get to a buyer or a seller, and the more money you make.

Lee says these computers dominate stock market activity and play a vital part.

Lee: Machine driven trading has literally become some defacto liquidity provider in the marketplace. Which is a very important role to have.

High-frequency trading may make the market more efficient, but it's not necessarily fair. If you can't afford a team of PhDs and the most up-to-date computers, you may find giants like Goldman Sachs beating you at almost every trade.

5 則留言:

Vincent 說...

The etf example you cited has nothing to do with high frequency trading.

阿爾伯特 說...

Probably, but probably not.
God knows :)

fk_tim 說...


阿爾伯特 說...

亦有可能是其中一個原因,很多事情是在有意無意的情況下發生 :)

Unknown 說...

高頻交易不是這意思罷?最少都要有多於一個Market可以將隻Order route去第二個Market.而且美國有dark pool俾liquidity先要route隻order第二個market.果幾個example有乜關係?