印度曼買(Bombay)11月26日晚發生的恐怖襲擊事件,至少奪去119人的性命,另外有至少288人受傷。恐怖分子針對孟買的豪華酒店、歷史悠久的火車站、猶太人中心年目標同時發動突擊隊式的襲擊,其中包括泰姬陵酒店(Taj Mahal Palace & Tower #)
而策動今次恐怖活動的襲擊者,相信是「激進回教組織」。而從一份無法獲得獨立證實的聲明中,「德干聖戰組織 (Deccan Mujahideen)」聲稱對孟買襲擊事件負責﹐並自稱來自印度南部城市海得拉巴(Hyderabad)。海得拉巴曾是世界上最大的穆斯林王國﹐於1948年被印度佔領。
# 泰姬陵酒店:
有105年歴史的泰姬陵酒店是印度最具象徵意義的建築之一﹐由塔塔家族(Tata)興建﹐以抵制英國殖民者在孟買當時最好的Watson's 酒店實行的「白人至上」政策。泰姬陵酒店後來進行了擴建﹐在老酒店的旁邊又增加了一座現代化建築。該酒店由印度最大企業塔塔集團(Tata Group)旗下子公司Taj Hotels所有。
星期二, 11月 25, 2008
------ 出自明‧陳良謨《見聞紀訓》
紀曉嵐有一姪兒和一僕人的兒子同一時間在同一大宅出生,分秒不差。紀曉嵐旁觀兩人的命運: 姪兒十六歲便夭亡了,僕人之子卻一直活得好端端。
------ 出自清‧紀曉嵐《閱微草堂筆記》
欲知前世因,今生受者是; 欲知後世果,今生作者是。
------ 出自明‧陳良謨《見聞紀訓》
紀曉嵐有一姪兒和一僕人的兒子同一時間在同一大宅出生,分秒不差。紀曉嵐旁觀兩人的命運: 姪兒十六歲便夭亡了,僕人之子卻一直活得好端端。
------ 出自清‧紀曉嵐《閱微草堂筆記》
欲知前世因,今生受者是; 欲知後世果,今生作者是。
星期一, 11月 24, 2008
長話短說,供股集資(每3股供1股; 供股價為HK$45.1/GBP 3.9)意味著渣打(2888)的管理層預期資金將會短缺,而同時間並無法從較低「融資成本(Funding Cost)」的融資途經入手。
1) 活期存款(Saving Deposit) / 中央銀行拆借 (Central Bank Financing)
2) 定期存款(Fixed Deposit)
3) 同業拆借 (Interbank Deposit)
4) 債券 (Senior / Subordinated Bond)
5) 優先股 (Preferred Stock)
6) 普通股 (Common Stock)
另一說法是供股集資是唯一方法去增強「Tier-1 Capital」,而以大折讓價進行是保證「萬無一失」的方案。然而,為何要不惜代價去增強「Tier-1 Capital」?
1) 渣打於新興市場的經營風險可能正在上升(參巧下面的官方聲明)
2) 以大折讓價進行供股集資(很高的融資成本)絕對不是明智的收購融資途經,因此可以排除集資收購的可能性
「Economic growth within the key core markets of Asia, Africa and the Middle East is clearly slowing down largely as a consequence of the global financial crisis and the sharp economic slowdown in the West. However, although these economies are not immune to the challenges and uncertainties emerging from the global financial crisis, in general their economic and financial fundamentals are resilient and their near term economic growth rates appear likely to remain well above those of markets in the West.」
「Following the Rights Issue, the Group will be in an even better position to weather the economic uncertainties and take advantage of the opportunities emerging from the current turmoil in financial services.」
「The Board is alert to the prospect of continuing volatility in the currency and financial markets and to the increased levels of economic uncertainty across all sectors and geographies.」
Loan-to-Deposit Ratio: 86% (30 Sep 08)
Tier 1 CAR: 8.50% (30 Jun 08)
Total CAR: 14.9% (30 Jun 08)
Reported NAV/share: HK$115
Tangible NAV/share: HK$75
為何要急於供股集資,而供股價(HK$45 / GBP 3.9)亦是比起停牌前渣打股價(HK$88.0 / GBP 7.60)折讓不細? 固中原因可能是於08年10月至今潛在的風險,或者是管理層預視以下風險:
1) 亞洲貨幣兌美元貶值,其中以南韓Won的幅度最大,影響收入
2) 經濟風險增加後導致壞帳上升
3) 金融風暴導致中間業務收入大減
4) 地區風險增加下,融資成本上升
Standard Chartered Plans US$3 Billion Rights Offer
(Bloomberg 24 Nov 08)
Standard Chartered Plc, the third- biggest U.K. bank, plans to raise 1.8 billion pounds (US$2.7 billion) in a rights offer to bolster its finances as the global economic recession deepens.
The London-based bank is offering 30 new shares for 91 already held to existing shareholders at 390 pence each, or a 48.7 percent discount to the last closing price, according to a statement to Hong Kong's stock exchange today.
"The bank is taking a precautionary stance against a potentially much worsened economic scenario," said Wong Kwok Wai, a Hong Kong-based analyst at BOC International Holdings Ltd. "A rights offer is a better arrangement to strengthen their capital ahead of a potential slowdown. There's a dilutive effect, but in the long run it puts the bank in a better position."
Standard Chartered, which gets more than three-quarters of its profit in Asia, hasn't faced the funding pressures of other U.K. banks including HBOS Plc, which are relying on the government for cash in a bailout package worth 37 billion pounds (US$55 billion). Banks and brokerages worldwide have raised $830 billion since the subprime-mortgage market's collapse last year.
Standard Chartered declined 5.3 percent to HK$89 as of 12:30 p.m. in Hong Kong, compared with a 1.2 percent decline for the benchmark Hang Seng Index. The stock closed at 759 pence in London on Nov. 21.
Capital Strength
Temasek Holdings Pte, Singapore's state-owned investment company and the biggest shareholder in the bank with 18.8 percent, will take up its rights in the offer according to the statement.
Standard Chartered may need US$3.2 billion by year-end to lift its core Tier 1 ratio, a measure of capital strength, to 8 percent, from 6.1 percent, according to a Merrill Lynch & Co. report on Oct. 20. Capital-raising by banks in the U.K., Switzerland, and the U.S. are part of an "industrywide shift" toward higher capital levels for lenders, according to Merrill.
Standard Chartered has spent more than US$6.3 billion on purchases since the start of 2005 to expand in markets like Korea and Taiwan. The bank said earlier this month it will buy an Asian unit from JPMorgan Cazenove Ltd. to boost corporate banking services.
Standard Chartered said on Oct. 28 it has strong liquidity and is well capitalized with a "conservative" balance sheet, yet "it's clear that Asian economic growth is moderating."
The bank said last week it pushed back its hiring in Hong Kong, the biggest contributor to pretax income in the first half with a 25 percent share, as the city slipped into recession.
Standard Chartered has declined 59 percent in London trading in 2008, the second-best performer in the six-member FTSE 350 Banks Index, which is down 60 percent. The bank in August posted a 31 percent increase in first-half net income to US$1.79 billion, lifted by corporate lending in India and Hong Kong. The bank forecast "double-digit" growth in earnings per share this year.
1) 活期存款(Saving Deposit) / 中央銀行拆借 (Central Bank Financing)
2) 定期存款(Fixed Deposit)
3) 同業拆借 (Interbank Deposit)
4) 債券 (Senior / Subordinated Bond)
5) 優先股 (Preferred Stock)
6) 普通股 (Common Stock)
另一說法是供股集資是唯一方法去增強「Tier-1 Capital」,而以大折讓價進行是保證「萬無一失」的方案。然而,為何要不惜代價去增強「Tier-1 Capital」?
1) 渣打於新興市場的經營風險可能正在上升(參巧下面的官方聲明)
2) 以大折讓價進行供股集資(很高的融資成本)絕對不是明智的收購融資途經,因此可以排除集資收購的可能性
「Economic growth within the key core markets of Asia, Africa and the Middle East is clearly slowing down largely as a consequence of the global financial crisis and the sharp economic slowdown in the West. However, although these economies are not immune to the challenges and uncertainties emerging from the global financial crisis, in general their economic and financial fundamentals are resilient and their near term economic growth rates appear likely to remain well above those of markets in the West.」
「Following the Rights Issue, the Group will be in an even better position to weather the economic uncertainties and take advantage of the opportunities emerging from the current turmoil in financial services.」
「The Board is alert to the prospect of continuing volatility in the currency and financial markets and to the increased levels of economic uncertainty across all sectors and geographies.」
Loan-to-Deposit Ratio: 86% (30 Sep 08)
Tier 1 CAR: 8.50% (30 Jun 08)
Total CAR: 14.9% (30 Jun 08)
Reported NAV/share: HK$115
Tangible NAV/share: HK$75
為何要急於供股集資,而供股價(HK$45 / GBP 3.9)亦是比起停牌前渣打股價(HK$88.0 / GBP 7.60)折讓不細? 固中原因可能是於08年10月至今潛在的風險,或者是管理層預視以下風險:
1) 亞洲貨幣兌美元貶值,其中以南韓Won的幅度最大,影響收入
2) 經濟風險增加後導致壞帳上升
3) 金融風暴導致中間業務收入大減
4) 地區風險增加下,融資成本上升
Standard Chartered Plans US$3 Billion Rights Offer
(Bloomberg 24 Nov 08)
Standard Chartered Plc, the third- biggest U.K. bank, plans to raise 1.8 billion pounds (US$2.7 billion) in a rights offer to bolster its finances as the global economic recession deepens.
The London-based bank is offering 30 new shares for 91 already held to existing shareholders at 390 pence each, or a 48.7 percent discount to the last closing price, according to a statement to Hong Kong's stock exchange today.
"The bank is taking a precautionary stance against a potentially much worsened economic scenario," said Wong Kwok Wai, a Hong Kong-based analyst at BOC International Holdings Ltd. "A rights offer is a better arrangement to strengthen their capital ahead of a potential slowdown. There's a dilutive effect, but in the long run it puts the bank in a better position."
Standard Chartered, which gets more than three-quarters of its profit in Asia, hasn't faced the funding pressures of other U.K. banks including HBOS Plc, which are relying on the government for cash in a bailout package worth 37 billion pounds (US$55 billion). Banks and brokerages worldwide have raised $830 billion since the subprime-mortgage market's collapse last year.
Standard Chartered declined 5.3 percent to HK$89 as of 12:30 p.m. in Hong Kong, compared with a 1.2 percent decline for the benchmark Hang Seng Index. The stock closed at 759 pence in London on Nov. 21.
Capital Strength
Temasek Holdings Pte, Singapore's state-owned investment company and the biggest shareholder in the bank with 18.8 percent, will take up its rights in the offer according to the statement.
Standard Chartered may need US$3.2 billion by year-end to lift its core Tier 1 ratio, a measure of capital strength, to 8 percent, from 6.1 percent, according to a Merrill Lynch & Co. report on Oct. 20. Capital-raising by banks in the U.K., Switzerland, and the U.S. are part of an "industrywide shift" toward higher capital levels for lenders, according to Merrill.
Standard Chartered has spent more than US$6.3 billion on purchases since the start of 2005 to expand in markets like Korea and Taiwan. The bank said earlier this month it will buy an Asian unit from JPMorgan Cazenove Ltd. to boost corporate banking services.
Standard Chartered said on Oct. 28 it has strong liquidity and is well capitalized with a "conservative" balance sheet, yet "it's clear that Asian economic growth is moderating."
The bank said last week it pushed back its hiring in Hong Kong, the biggest contributor to pretax income in the first half with a 25 percent share, as the city slipped into recession.
Standard Chartered has declined 59 percent in London trading in 2008, the second-best performer in the six-member FTSE 350 Banks Index, which is down 60 percent. The bank in August posted a 31 percent increase in first-half net income to US$1.79 billion, lifted by corporate lending in India and Hong Kong. The bank forecast "double-digit" growth in earnings per share this year.
- 股市逃不開空性,相依和變幻;週期猶如春夏秋冬,無一脫離自然定律
- 股價亦有虛之處,人們對前景的看法和心理(貪和恐懼),經濟和企業的基本面亦不斷在變化中
- 股價亦有實之處,很多時優質企業的基本面亦不像想像中那樣的波動,好公司亦會定期派息
- 長遠之道離不開「王道」。長遠而言,只有這些派息慷慨、審慎理財、管治優良、具競爭優勢、處於正面行業的企業,才能為股東增值(財息兼收)
- 耐性、想象力、公平心、思考、承擔、勇於犯錯和改過,可能是生存之道
- 物極必反,因果循環
- 股價亦有虛之處,人們對前景的看法和心理(貪和恐懼),經濟和企業的基本面亦不斷在變化中
- 股價亦有實之處,很多時優質企業的基本面亦不像想像中那樣的波動,好公司亦會定期派息
- 長遠之道離不開「王道」。長遠而言,只有這些派息慷慨、審慎理財、管治優良、具競爭優勢、處於正面行業的企業,才能為股東增值(財息兼收)
- 耐性、想象力、公平心、思考、承擔、勇於犯錯和改過,可能是生存之道
- 物極必反,因果循環
星期四, 11月 20, 2008
可能大家會有興趣知道為何各國對事件那麼緊張,其中主要原因是位於埃及(Egypt)附近的蘇伊士運河(Suez Canal)是貫通歐亞兩地的「海上通道」,而索馬里對出的「Gulf of Aden」是必經之路。然而,飽受貧窮和戰爭折磨的索馬里並無力維持海上的治安,因此索馬里亦成為海盜出沒的熱點。從航運的角度看,蘇伊士運河是歐亞海運的首選路線,若然不經此運河的話,便需要多花大約一星期的時間行走南非(South Africa)對出的好望角(Cape of Good Hope)路線,亦暗示額外的燃料成本和時間。
不講大家可能下知,東南亞的繁忙航運路線「馬六甲海峽 (Strait of Malacca)」是另一著名海盜出沒處,馬六甲海峽多年以來由星加坡、印尼和馬來西亞三國聯手負責海上反海盜行動 。
「National Geographic」有一期曾經探究馬六甲海峽的海盜問題,其中從在獄中的落網海盜得知固中手法:
1) 於一些三不管的地方收風、集資和班馬(註: 海員和海盜兩身份有時侯幾難分辨)
2) 買通船公司的「內鬼」刺探航班資料
3) 跟據內鬼的情報,再運用簡單的三角學算術,計算目標船隻的大約地點
4) 帶齊人馬乘坐中小型的海盜船的截擊目標
5) 以純熟的技術潛進船內快速制服船員......
Indian Navy Sinks Pirate Craft Off Aden
(FT; 20 Nov 08)
India has flexed its maritime muscles by destroying a pirate boat in the Gulf of Aden as part of an international effort to combat a rising tide of hijacks of merchant shipping.
An Indian frigate sunk a pirate vessel on Tuesday night after the pirates threatened to attack, the navy said yesterday. The encounter is the second this month in which Indian forces have repulsed such threats in the area.
The development comes as the rising incidence of piracy off Somalia begins to affect shipping costs for exporters and insurance for shipowners.
Taiwan's TMT, a big operator of dry bulk ships and tankers, yesterday became the latest shipping company to say it was considering avoiding the Gulf of Aden and taking goods bound for Europe and the US around the Cape of Good Hope instead.
India is fast emerging as a maritime nation. Deployment in the Gulf of Aden extends its navy's reach across the Indian Ocean, whose sea lanes are crucial to trade for one of the world's fastest growing economies.
One of the largest contributors to United Nations peacekeeping missions, India is modernising its armed forces. It plans to add aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines to its fleet.
(FT LEX: 18 Nov 08)
Julius Caesar took an unorthodox attitude towards piracy. Captured
in 75BC, he argued his ransom was insultingly low. His captors hit the jackpot – otherwise known as 50 talents back then – but paid for it with their lives, according to Plutarch. Today's bands of pirates plaguing the Gulf of Aden are also driven by the lure of ransom money. So far, they have largely gotten away with it, but the latest outrage – the hijacking of a vast oil tanker – will surely galvanise the international community into further action.
The costs of piracy quickly add up. There is the human cost as crew members are taken hostage. An estimated US$100m has already been paid in ransoms this year. There is also a growing economic cost. Most obviously insurance rates will go up, and with that surcharges on ships that use the Gulf of Aden en route to the Suez Canal, which accounts for about 10 per cent of world trade. The greater economic impact, though, will come from ships opting for the longer route around the Cape of Good Hope, adding days or even weeks to a ship's journey. Yet this is no guarantee of safety by itself: the capture of the super-tanker happened on just this route
可能大家會有興趣知道為何各國對事件那麼緊張,其中主要原因是位於埃及(Egypt)附近的蘇伊士運河(Suez Canal)是貫通歐亞兩地的「海上通道」,而索馬里對出的「Gulf of Aden」是必經之路。然而,飽受貧窮和戰爭折磨的索馬里並無力維持海上的治安,因此索馬里亦成為海盜出沒的熱點。從航運的角度看,蘇伊士運河是歐亞海運的首選路線,若然不經此運河的話,便需要多花大約一星期的時間行走南非(South Africa)對出的好望角(Cape of Good Hope)路線,亦暗示額外的燃料成本和時間。
不講大家可能下知,東南亞的繁忙航運路線「馬六甲海峽 (Strait of Malacca)」是另一著名海盜出沒處,馬六甲海峽多年以來由星加坡、印尼和馬來西亞三國聯手負責海上反海盜行動 。
「National Geographic」有一期曾經探究馬六甲海峽的海盜問題,其中從在獄中的落網海盜得知固中手法:
1) 於一些三不管的地方收風、集資和班馬(註: 海員和海盜兩身份有時侯幾難分辨)
2) 買通船公司的「內鬼」刺探航班資料
3) 跟據內鬼的情報,再運用簡單的三角學算術,計算目標船隻的大約地點
4) 帶齊人馬乘坐中小型的海盜船的截擊目標
5) 以純熟的技術潛進船內快速制服船員......
Indian Navy Sinks Pirate Craft Off Aden
(FT; 20 Nov 08)
India has flexed its maritime muscles by destroying a pirate boat in the Gulf of Aden as part of an international effort to combat a rising tide of hijacks of merchant shipping.
An Indian frigate sunk a pirate vessel on Tuesday night after the pirates threatened to attack, the navy said yesterday. The encounter is the second this month in which Indian forces have repulsed such threats in the area.
The development comes as the rising incidence of piracy off Somalia begins to affect shipping costs for exporters and insurance for shipowners.
Taiwan's TMT, a big operator of dry bulk ships and tankers, yesterday became the latest shipping company to say it was considering avoiding the Gulf of Aden and taking goods bound for Europe and the US around the Cape of Good Hope instead.
India is fast emerging as a maritime nation. Deployment in the Gulf of Aden extends its navy's reach across the Indian Ocean, whose sea lanes are crucial to trade for one of the world's fastest growing economies.
One of the largest contributors to United Nations peacekeeping missions, India is modernising its armed forces. It plans to add aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines to its fleet.
(FT LEX: 18 Nov 08)
Julius Caesar took an unorthodox attitude towards piracy. Captured
in 75BC, he argued his ransom was insultingly low. His captors hit the jackpot – otherwise known as 50 talents back then – but paid for it with their lives, according to Plutarch. Today's bands of pirates plaguing the Gulf of Aden are also driven by the lure of ransom money. So far, they have largely gotten away with it, but the latest outrage – the hijacking of a vast oil tanker – will surely galvanise the international community into further action.
The costs of piracy quickly add up. There is the human cost as crew members are taken hostage. An estimated US$100m has already been paid in ransoms this year. There is also a growing economic cost. Most obviously insurance rates will go up, and with that surcharges on ships that use the Gulf of Aden en route to the Suez Canal, which accounts for about 10 per cent of world trade. The greater economic impact, though, will come from ships opting for the longer route around the Cape of Good Hope, adding days or even weeks to a ship's journey. Yet this is no guarantee of safety by itself: the capture of the super-tanker happened on just this route
星期二, 11月 18, 2008
淑女是受人尊重愛戴,相反脾氣壞和目中無人的女人總是被「作弄」的對象 (好女人要錫,惡女要受一點教訓,合理嗎??)。
同時間,王澤亦是一名「大細路」,天馬行空的作品數不勝數(例子: 影子有生命、奇怪的夢境與現實相連、神仙下凡),就像永遠不會長老一般。
淑女是受人尊重愛戴,相反脾氣壞和目中無人的女人總是被「作弄」的對象 (好女人要錫,惡女要受一點教訓,合理嗎??)。
同時間,王澤亦是一名「大細路」,天馬行空的作品數不勝數(例子: 影子有生命、奇怪的夢境與現實相連、神仙下凡),就像永遠不會長老一般。
星期一, 11月 17, 2008
「Cup Sir」講開「陰陽」,筆者不自量力寫番一篇,同時藉此「中和」一下前文的陰氣。
星期四, 11月 13, 2008
想像一下,如果閣下的子女(或者是未來的兒女)的知識是從所謂的「補習社天皇」或「天后」學回來的,就算是「4 As」,可能亦只是一部性能良好的「考試機器」。看過下面「You Tube」內所謂的「4 As」高材生後,這樣的英文真是「冇眼睇」。
呢位「熊貓眼」還要厲害,搞埋「英語創新讀法」,口音「奇異化」。筆者以為他在談論甚麼新牌子的「Vodka (伏特加)」,原來是「Be In Vogue」。
甚麼是重要的新聞? 翻開「SCMP」、「The Standard」、「Wall Street Journal」、「Financial Times」、「USA Today (若然對美國新聞有興趣的話)」的頭版看便一目了然,但一定不是「生果」和「方向」等中文報紙所刊登的「先入為主式批判性文章」。
若然不想練成「熊貓眼」或「Mud Sir」的英文「Oral」,可以點樣?
方法一是收看英文台「Pearl」或者「World」,習慣一下正統的發音。想親自和「老外」談英語,可以走去「British Council」上堂。
呢位「熊貓眼」還要厲害,搞埋「英語創新讀法」,口音「奇異化」。筆者以為他在談論甚麼新牌子的「Vodka (伏特加)」,原來是「Be In Vogue」。
甚麼是重要的新聞? 翻開「SCMP」、「The Standard」、「Wall Street Journal」、「Financial Times」、「USA Today (若然對美國新聞有興趣的話)」的頭版看便一目了然,但一定不是「生果」和「方向」等中文報紙所刊登的「先入為主式批判性文章」。
若然不想練成「熊貓眼」或「Mud Sir」的英文「Oral」,可以點樣?
方法一是收看英文台「Pearl」或者「World」,習慣一下正統的發音。想親自和「老外」談英語,可以走去「British Council」上堂。
星期二, 11月 11, 2008
同時間亦有人以「土法分析」指出利豐的現金流十分虛弱,更指出「Operating Cash Flow」不足夠去應付「Investing Cash Flow」。
各位又有沒有聽過「Garbage In, Garbage Out」一道理? 錯誤的資訊輸入最後只會推論出錯誤的道理(管它固中分析是怎樣仔細),通常此話不會錯得去邊。
首先,不明白利豐之「Business Model」的話,不妨花一點時間了解一下,坊間有相關書籍。除此,最好還是了解一下「Supply Chain Management」、「Flat world」、「Globalization」、「Soft 3 Dollars」、「Outsourcing」等議題。
簡單一點說,利豐的角式是「供應鏈管理者(Supply-Chain Manager)」,另一說法是「Supply-Chain」上各單位和流程的協調者(Co-ordinator)。考慮涉及「Matrix」的「Complexity」,看怕不是容易被對手或新手複製,更遑論「做得出眾」。
1) 這是供應(價值)鏈之間的競爭
2) 由客戶下單、生產策劃、生產過程、生產管理、直至貨物運抵客戶手上,可能不超過兩至三個星期,亦是「Delivery Time」的縮短。
3) 另外,供應鏈極具彈性。一件產品會被進一步分拆為不同部件,而每項部件將於全球最合適的地方生產。因此,協調和供應鏈管理的能力是十分重要的。
4) 由於供應鏈的彈性和縮短的「Delivery Time」,客戶可以按「End Market」的經濟情況而向供應鏈管理者下不同的單,例如從「Consumer Discretionary (high-end products)」和「Consumer Staples (Mid-to-low end products)」之間互相轉換。
5) (4)亦說明供應鏈管理者不會沒有生意,即使「End Market」的經濟環境轉差,只要歐洲和美國人仍要消費。
6) 供應鏈管理者的增值點是協助客戶減省成本,「Direct Production Cost」可以減省的不多,反而「Soft 3 Dollars」中能減省的空間不細。若然一件產品的「Total Cost」為$4,$1是「Direct Production Cost」,而$3是涉及運輸、存貨、行政和稅務等「Soft 3 Dollars」。
7) 供應鏈管理者不會擁有任何工廠(即使工廠網絡跨越亞洲、東歐和南美諸國),而是協調人的角色。
8) (7)亦暗示供應鏈管理者是「Asset Light Enterprise」,並不需要每年投入巨大的「CapEx」。
1) 近日的裁員針對低增值(學歷相對不高)員工,他們亦很有可能由國內同胞替代。這不感奇怪,利豐是一家「知識型」的國際企業。同時間其他優質的國際企業(例如 HSBC、Goldman Sachs)近日來亦有裁員計劃。
2) (1)的另一代名詞是「Offshoring」,而今次是「Service Offshoring」,可能包括「Merchandizing」及「Accounting」等工作。這亦暗示未來利豐的「EBIT Margin」有不俗的上升空間(正如三年計劃一樣)
Offshoring describes the relocation by a company of a business process from one country to another -- typically an operational process, such as manufacturing, or a supporting processes, such as accounting.
The term is in use in several distinct but closely related ways. It is sometimes used broadly to include substitution of a service from any foreign source for a service formerly produced internally to the firm. In other cases, only imported services from subsidiaries or other closely related suppliers are included. A further complication is that intermediate goods, such as partially completed computers, are not consistently included in the scope of the term.
Offshoring can be seen in the context of either production offshoring or services offshoring. After its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, the People's Republic of China emerged as a prominent destination for production offshoring. After technical progress in telecommunications improved the possibilities of trade in services, India became a country leading in this domain though many parts of the world are now emerging as offshore destinations.
The economic logic is to reduce costs. If some people can use some of their skills more cheaply than others, those people have the comparative advantage. The idea is that countries should freely trade the items that cost the least for them to produce.
3) 美國歐洲仍要消費,只是形式改變,利豐的商機有增無減,了解一下利豐的「Business Model」及「History」便知固中一二。唔明? 了解一下海外大型零售商或品牌持有者為何要同利豐做生意?當然是為了「以較短時間以較低成本獲得較高質素的消費產品(例子: 衫、褲、玩具、精品、化妝品)」,更重要的是隨著消費模式的變化而及早轉換訂單。
4) 2007年「Investing Cash Flow」達HK$5B,或遠高於HK$2.5B的「Operating Cash Flow」,聽落係咪好驚呢,小朋友? 咪往! 07年「CapEx」不足HK$300M,那麽錢花在甚麽地方?
唔駛亂估,答案是收購(Merger & Acquisition)。07年利豐收購同業的成本大約為HK$6B,其中最大的為「Tommy Hilfiger Sourcing」,作價是8倍P/E左右。別忘記20年來利豐是併購和整合的高手中的高手,其章法可能比匯控還要高明。
5) 「Service Offshoring to China & other Emerging Market」以及商品價格大瀉下,2009年「EBIT Margin」的前景不俗。
6) 經濟轉弱對利豐的機遇當然是更多訂單,西方零售商要依靠「Outsourcing」來減低成本和縮短供貨時間(Lead-Time)。還未給您們算入「M&A」對營業額和盈利的增值。
7) 2008、2009以及2010年的營業額、盈利、現金流和股息當然有很大機會繼續向上,管它的,有「Sustainable Dividend Growth」還要害怕甚麽? 08年好似至少有6厘.....
註: 大學之道:
同時間亦有人以「土法分析」指出利豐的現金流十分虛弱,更指出「Operating Cash Flow」不足夠去應付「Investing Cash Flow」。
各位又有沒有聽過「Garbage In, Garbage Out」一道理? 錯誤的資訊輸入最後只會推論出錯誤的道理(管它固中分析是怎樣仔細),通常此話不會錯得去邊。
首先,不明白利豐之「Business Model」的話,不妨花一點時間了解一下,坊間有相關書籍。除此,最好還是了解一下「Supply Chain Management」、「Flat world」、「Globalization」、「Soft 3 Dollars」、「Outsourcing」等議題。
簡單一點說,利豐的角式是「供應鏈管理者(Supply-Chain Manager)」,另一說法是「Supply-Chain」上各單位和流程的協調者(Co-ordinator)。考慮涉及「Matrix」的「Complexity」,看怕不是容易被對手或新手複製,更遑論「做得出眾」。
1) 這是供應(價值)鏈之間的競爭
2) 由客戶下單、生產策劃、生產過程、生產管理、直至貨物運抵客戶手上,可能不超過兩至三個星期,亦是「Delivery Time」的縮短。
3) 另外,供應鏈極具彈性。一件產品會被進一步分拆為不同部件,而每項部件將於全球最合適的地方生產。因此,協調和供應鏈管理的能力是十分重要的。
4) 由於供應鏈的彈性和縮短的「Delivery Time」,客戶可以按「End Market」的經濟情況而向供應鏈管理者下不同的單,例如從「Consumer Discretionary (high-end products)」和「Consumer Staples (Mid-to-low end products)」之間互相轉換。
5) (4)亦說明供應鏈管理者不會沒有生意,即使「End Market」的經濟環境轉差,只要歐洲和美國人仍要消費。
6) 供應鏈管理者的增值點是協助客戶減省成本,「Direct Production Cost」可以減省的不多,反而「Soft 3 Dollars」中能減省的空間不細。若然一件產品的「Total Cost」為$4,$1是「Direct Production Cost」,而$3是涉及運輸、存貨、行政和稅務等「Soft 3 Dollars」。
7) 供應鏈管理者不會擁有任何工廠(即使工廠網絡跨越亞洲、東歐和南美諸國),而是協調人的角色。
8) (7)亦暗示供應鏈管理者是「Asset Light Enterprise」,並不需要每年投入巨大的「CapEx」。
1) 近日的裁員針對低增值(學歷相對不高)員工,他們亦很有可能由國內同胞替代。這不感奇怪,利豐是一家「知識型」的國際企業。同時間其他優質的國際企業(例如 HSBC、Goldman Sachs)近日來亦有裁員計劃。
2) (1)的另一代名詞是「Offshoring」,而今次是「Service Offshoring」,可能包括「Merchandizing」及「Accounting」等工作。這亦暗示未來利豐的「EBIT Margin」有不俗的上升空間(正如三年計劃一樣)
Offshoring describes the relocation by a company of a business process from one country to another -- typically an operational process, such as manufacturing, or a supporting processes, such as accounting.
The term is in use in several distinct but closely related ways. It is sometimes used broadly to include substitution of a service from any foreign source for a service formerly produced internally to the firm. In other cases, only imported services from subsidiaries or other closely related suppliers are included. A further complication is that intermediate goods, such as partially completed computers, are not consistently included in the scope of the term.
Offshoring can be seen in the context of either production offshoring or services offshoring. After its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, the People's Republic of China emerged as a prominent destination for production offshoring. After technical progress in telecommunications improved the possibilities of trade in services, India became a country leading in this domain though many parts of the world are now emerging as offshore destinations.
The economic logic is to reduce costs. If some people can use some of their skills more cheaply than others, those people have the comparative advantage. The idea is that countries should freely trade the items that cost the least for them to produce.
3) 美國歐洲仍要消費,只是形式改變,利豐的商機有增無減,了解一下利豐的「Business Model」及「History」便知固中一二。唔明? 了解一下海外大型零售商或品牌持有者為何要同利豐做生意?當然是為了「以較短時間以較低成本獲得較高質素的消費產品(例子: 衫、褲、玩具、精品、化妝品)」,更重要的是隨著消費模式的變化而及早轉換訂單。
4) 2007年「Investing Cash Flow」達HK$5B,或遠高於HK$2.5B的「Operating Cash Flow」,聽落係咪好驚呢,小朋友? 咪往! 07年「CapEx」不足HK$300M,那麽錢花在甚麽地方?
唔駛亂估,答案是收購(Merger & Acquisition)。07年利豐收購同業的成本大約為HK$6B,其中最大的為「Tommy Hilfiger Sourcing」,作價是8倍P/E左右。別忘記20年來利豐是併購和整合的高手中的高手,其章法可能比匯控還要高明。
5) 「Service Offshoring to China & other Emerging Market」以及商品價格大瀉下,2009年「EBIT Margin」的前景不俗。
6) 經濟轉弱對利豐的機遇當然是更多訂單,西方零售商要依靠「Outsourcing」來減低成本和縮短供貨時間(Lead-Time)。還未給您們算入「M&A」對營業額和盈利的增值。
7) 2008、2009以及2010年的營業額、盈利、現金流和股息當然有很大機會繼續向上,管它的,有「Sustainable Dividend Growth」還要害怕甚麽? 08年好似至少有6厘.....
註: 大學之道:
星期五, 11月 07, 2008
1) 受經濟轉壞影響,頭等和商務訂位的下降,以及近月貨運量按年下跌
2) 兩岸三通所帶來的潛在營業額下降
3) 燃油成本對沖虧蝕,按市價計(MTM)截至10月31日的對沖虧蝕達HK$2,800M。
以石油市場為例,投機者(Speculation)可能買入「Call Option」或者是「Long Futures」來進行看好油價的投機。
與前者不同,大量使用燃油的航空公司只會擔心油價上升的風險,因此會進行期權對沖(Ooption Hedge)來減低成本風險。
1) 沽出低行使價(Strike)的石油Put Option (e.g. Strike = US$120)
2) 從(1)獲取「Premium」,再將此現金流購入行使價較高的「Call Option」(e.g. Strike US$130)
3) 同時間國泰在日常營運有購入燃油的需要,油價上升對其不利。換句說話是等同一個「看空油價的投機者」,因此有需要進行對沖
Along with many airlines, Cathay Pacific enters into hedging contracts the economic effect of which is equivalent to entitling:
(i) Cathay Pacific to buy fuel from the contract counterparties in future periods at specified prices and
(ii) the contract counterparties to sell fuel to Cathay Pacific in future periods at specified prices.
In any one hedging contract, the price at which Cathay Pacific is effectively entitled to buy fuel will be considerably higher than that at which the counterparty is effectively entitled to sell fuel.
1) 如果油價上升 --> Long Call Option的利潤會抵消燃油成本上升的營運虧損
2) 如果油價下跌 --> Sell Put Option的虧損會與燃油成本下降騰出的營運盈利互相抵消
3) 如果油價不升不跌 --> 亦無盈利或虧損
The grant to counterparties of effective rights to sell fuel reduces materially the cost to Cathay Pacific of hedging against increases in fuel prices. Depending on future movements in the spot fuel price, the effect of the relevant hedging contracts is that Cathay Pacific’s future effective cost of obtaining fuel could be higher than they would have been if Cathay Pacific had not entered into them. It is Cathay Pacific's policy not to enter into hedging contracts which in the aggregate relate to volumes which exceed its expected commercial requirements for fuel.
下一個問題是國泰能否受惠於不斷下跌的油價? 筆者可以好負責任咁講,答案是肯定的,多年內一直有留意國泰的朋友不難察覺管理層通常只是「對沖一年用油量的一部份」。唔信? 計俾您睇吧:
Hedge Loss from Sell Put Option = HK$2,800M
Estimated Net Premium Income = US$200M
Oil Strike Price = US$125
Oil Price at 31 Oct 08 = US$67
Estimated No. of Barrel Hedged = (2,800 + 200)/(125 - 67) / 7.8 = 6.6M Barrels
Estimated Annual Oil Usage = 35M to 40M Barrels
Hedge Ratio = 16.5% to 18.9%
Trading Statement/Profit Warning/Issue of Price Sensitive Information
The financial results of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited ("Cathay Pacific") for 2008 are expected to be disappointing. Fuel prices have fallen substantially and this provides welcome relief. However, two other factors are expected to affect the year's results adversely. These factors are weakness in revenue and losses on certain fuel hedging contracts.
This trading statement is released in the light of material changes in the trading environment for Cathay Pacific since its interim results for the first half of 2008 were announced on 6th August 2008. At that time, Cathay Pacific’s results continued to be materially and adversely affected by the high price of fuel. The average price paid by Cathay Pacific for fuel in the first half of 2008 was 60% above that paid in the first half of 2007. At its peak in July 2008, the spot price for jet fuel was US$181.8 per barrel. Since then the spot price has fallen to US$76.7 per barrel. This provides welcome relief. However, two other factors are expected to affect the year’s results adversely, and they are accordingly still expected to be disappointing. These factors are weakness in revenue and losses on certain fuel hedging contracts.
Weakness in revenue
Revenue has started to weaken materially. This reflects in particular a significant strengthening of the US dollar (against currencies in which Cathay Pacific earns a significant portion of its revenue) and reduced first and business class travel and cargo volumes in the current adverse financial and economic circumstances.
Adverse currency movements are expected to reduce passenger revenues in Hong Kong dollar terms for the remainder of 2008. First and business class advance bookings are showing year-on-year declines, while available capacity has increased. Corporate travel volumes in all classes are of concern as corporate clients begin to impose stricter travel policies on their employees. Demand for economy class seats is also weaker than earlier in the year.
The most recent figures for cargo volumes and revenues show declines against the comparable period in 2007. Continued declines are expected for the remainder of 2008, reflecting increased competition, overcapacity and, to a lesser extent, adverse currency movements.
The full impact of the expansion of Taiwan-Mainland China cross-strait flights remains to be seen, but can be expected to put additional pressure on passenger and cargo revenues.
Losses on fuel hedging contracts
The purpose of entering into fuel hedging contracts (principally in the form of Brent options) is to give a degree of certainty to the price of fuel and protection against price increases. Under accounting principles generally accepted in Hong Kong, fuel hedging contracts are marked to market through the profit and loss account. The effect of marking these contracts to market is to transfer to the current accounting period the fair value of the benefit gained or loss incurred from the contracts.
The recent rapid fall in the jet fuel price has caused mark to market losses to be incurred on certain fuel hedging contracts. Along with many airlines, Cathay Pacific enters into hedging contracts the economic effect of which is equivalent to entitling (i) Cathay Pacific to buy fuel from the contract counterparties in future periods at specified prices and (ii) the contract counterparties to sell fuel to Cathay Pacific in future periods at specified prices. In any one hedging contract, the price at which Cathay Pacific is effectively entitled to buy fuel will be considerably higher than that at which the counterparty is effectively entitled to sell fuel.
The grant to counterparties of effective rights to sell fuel reduces materially the cost to Cathay Pacific of hedging against increases in fuel prices. Depending on future movements in the spot fuel price, the effect of the relevant hedging contracts is that Cathay Pacific's future effective cost of obtaining fuel could be higher than they would have been if Cathay Pacific had not entered into them. It is Cathay Pacific’s policy not to enter into hedging contracts which in the aggregate relate to volumes which exceed its expected commercial requirements for fuel.
The fuel price has fallen below the level at which certain contract counterparties will be effectively entitled to sell fuel at certain future dates up to 2011. Cathay Pacific is required to account for the fair value of the difference between the spot price of fuel and the price at which the counterparties are effectively entitled to sell in future periods as mark to market losses. The result is a mismatch, in that the full benefit of paying lower fuel prices for the hedged fuel will only arise in future periods. Unrealised mark to market losses on fuel hedging contracts incurred by Cathay Pacific as at 31st October 2008 are estimated to be HK$2.8 billion. The unrealised mark to market losses at the end of September were HK$630 million. It is important to note that these are not cash losses. The amount of losses actually realised and payable will depend on future movements in fuel prices. Up to 31st October 2008, net realised gains on fuel hedging contracts were HK$150 million.
To set the 31st October 2008 mark to market figure in context, Cathay Pacific's total expenditure on fuel in 2008 is expected to be around HK$40 billion (and, if jet fuel prices had remained at their July peak, would have been around HK$47 billion).
Investors are advised to exercise caution in dealing in shares of Cathay Pacific.
1) 受經濟轉壞影響,頭等和商務訂位的下降,以及近月貨運量按年下跌
2) 兩岸三通所帶來的潛在營業額下降
3) 燃油成本對沖虧蝕,按市價計(MTM)截至10月31日的對沖虧蝕達HK$2,800M。
以石油市場為例,投機者(Speculation)可能買入「Call Option」或者是「Long Futures」來進行看好油價的投機。
與前者不同,大量使用燃油的航空公司只會擔心油價上升的風險,因此會進行期權對沖(Ooption Hedge)來減低成本風險。
1) 沽出低行使價(Strike)的石油Put Option (e.g. Strike = US$120)
2) 從(1)獲取「Premium」,再將此現金流購入行使價較高的「Call Option」(e.g. Strike US$130)
3) 同時間國泰在日常營運有購入燃油的需要,油價上升對其不利。換句說話是等同一個「看空油價的投機者」,因此有需要進行對沖
Along with many airlines, Cathay Pacific enters into hedging contracts the economic effect of which is equivalent to entitling:
(i) Cathay Pacific to buy fuel from the contract counterparties in future periods at specified prices and
(ii) the contract counterparties to sell fuel to Cathay Pacific in future periods at specified prices.
In any one hedging contract, the price at which Cathay Pacific is effectively entitled to buy fuel will be considerably higher than that at which the counterparty is effectively entitled to sell fuel.
1) 如果油價上升 --> Long Call Option的利潤會抵消燃油成本上升的營運虧損
2) 如果油價下跌 --> Sell Put Option的虧損會與燃油成本下降騰出的營運盈利互相抵消
3) 如果油價不升不跌 --> 亦無盈利或虧損
The grant to counterparties of effective rights to sell fuel reduces materially the cost to Cathay Pacific of hedging against increases in fuel prices. Depending on future movements in the spot fuel price, the effect of the relevant hedging contracts is that Cathay Pacific’s future effective cost of obtaining fuel could be higher than they would have been if Cathay Pacific had not entered into them. It is Cathay Pacific's policy not to enter into hedging contracts which in the aggregate relate to volumes which exceed its expected commercial requirements for fuel.
下一個問題是國泰能否受惠於不斷下跌的油價? 筆者可以好負責任咁講,答案是肯定的,多年內一直有留意國泰的朋友不難察覺管理層通常只是「對沖一年用油量的一部份」。唔信? 計俾您睇吧:
Hedge Loss from Sell Put Option = HK$2,800M
Estimated Net Premium Income = US$200M
Oil Strike Price = US$125
Oil Price at 31 Oct 08 = US$67
Estimated No. of Barrel Hedged = (2,800 + 200)/(125 - 67) / 7.8 = 6.6M Barrels
Estimated Annual Oil Usage = 35M to 40M Barrels
Hedge Ratio = 16.5% to 18.9%
Trading Statement/Profit Warning/Issue of Price Sensitive Information
The financial results of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited ("Cathay Pacific") for 2008 are expected to be disappointing. Fuel prices have fallen substantially and this provides welcome relief. However, two other factors are expected to affect the year's results adversely. These factors are weakness in revenue and losses on certain fuel hedging contracts.
This trading statement is released in the light of material changes in the trading environment for Cathay Pacific since its interim results for the first half of 2008 were announced on 6th August 2008. At that time, Cathay Pacific’s results continued to be materially and adversely affected by the high price of fuel. The average price paid by Cathay Pacific for fuel in the first half of 2008 was 60% above that paid in the first half of 2007. At its peak in July 2008, the spot price for jet fuel was US$181.8 per barrel. Since then the spot price has fallen to US$76.7 per barrel. This provides welcome relief. However, two other factors are expected to affect the year’s results adversely, and they are accordingly still expected to be disappointing. These factors are weakness in revenue and losses on certain fuel hedging contracts.
Weakness in revenue
Revenue has started to weaken materially. This reflects in particular a significant strengthening of the US dollar (against currencies in which Cathay Pacific earns a significant portion of its revenue) and reduced first and business class travel and cargo volumes in the current adverse financial and economic circumstances.
Adverse currency movements are expected to reduce passenger revenues in Hong Kong dollar terms for the remainder of 2008. First and business class advance bookings are showing year-on-year declines, while available capacity has increased. Corporate travel volumes in all classes are of concern as corporate clients begin to impose stricter travel policies on their employees. Demand for economy class seats is also weaker than earlier in the year.
The most recent figures for cargo volumes and revenues show declines against the comparable period in 2007. Continued declines are expected for the remainder of 2008, reflecting increased competition, overcapacity and, to a lesser extent, adverse currency movements.
The full impact of the expansion of Taiwan-Mainland China cross-strait flights remains to be seen, but can be expected to put additional pressure on passenger and cargo revenues.
Losses on fuel hedging contracts
The purpose of entering into fuel hedging contracts (principally in the form of Brent options) is to give a degree of certainty to the price of fuel and protection against price increases. Under accounting principles generally accepted in Hong Kong, fuel hedging contracts are marked to market through the profit and loss account. The effect of marking these contracts to market is to transfer to the current accounting period the fair value of the benefit gained or loss incurred from the contracts.
The recent rapid fall in the jet fuel price has caused mark to market losses to be incurred on certain fuel hedging contracts. Along with many airlines, Cathay Pacific enters into hedging contracts the economic effect of which is equivalent to entitling (i) Cathay Pacific to buy fuel from the contract counterparties in future periods at specified prices and (ii) the contract counterparties to sell fuel to Cathay Pacific in future periods at specified prices. In any one hedging contract, the price at which Cathay Pacific is effectively entitled to buy fuel will be considerably higher than that at which the counterparty is effectively entitled to sell fuel.
The grant to counterparties of effective rights to sell fuel reduces materially the cost to Cathay Pacific of hedging against increases in fuel prices. Depending on future movements in the spot fuel price, the effect of the relevant hedging contracts is that Cathay Pacific's future effective cost of obtaining fuel could be higher than they would have been if Cathay Pacific had not entered into them. It is Cathay Pacific’s policy not to enter into hedging contracts which in the aggregate relate to volumes which exceed its expected commercial requirements for fuel.
The fuel price has fallen below the level at which certain contract counterparties will be effectively entitled to sell fuel at certain future dates up to 2011. Cathay Pacific is required to account for the fair value of the difference between the spot price of fuel and the price at which the counterparties are effectively entitled to sell in future periods as mark to market losses. The result is a mismatch, in that the full benefit of paying lower fuel prices for the hedged fuel will only arise in future periods. Unrealised mark to market losses on fuel hedging contracts incurred by Cathay Pacific as at 31st October 2008 are estimated to be HK$2.8 billion. The unrealised mark to market losses at the end of September were HK$630 million. It is important to note that these are not cash losses. The amount of losses actually realised and payable will depend on future movements in fuel prices. Up to 31st October 2008, net realised gains on fuel hedging contracts were HK$150 million.
To set the 31st October 2008 mark to market figure in context, Cathay Pacific's total expenditure on fuel in 2008 is expected to be around HK$40 billion (and, if jet fuel prices had remained at their July peak, would have been around HK$47 billion).
Investors are advised to exercise caution in dealing in shares of Cathay Pacific.
星期四, 11月 06, 2008
星期三, 11月 05, 2008
歴史循環: 回到1992年
奧巴馬(Barack Obama)的大比數勝利,亦暗示一個新的時代的開始。不對,應說是新的時代已經開始了:
1) 強美元
2) 商品漫長的大熊市 (註: 西方國家主要是以「通血管」的方式救活金融體系,而非胡亂大量發鈔)
3) 美股否極泰來的機會不細
4) 大洗牌後,將會是環球大型優質企業的遊戲
5) 市場偏向重質而不重量
6) 「De-Leveraging」和「Simplicity」將會是環球金融業的趨勢
7) 市場重價值和息率多於高增長(質素和可持續性仍是大前題)
還是套用奧巴馬的名句: 「Change We Need」。話時話,環球市場和政經大局不正是每刻在轉變中?
1) 強美元
2) 商品漫長的大熊市 (註: 西方國家主要是以「通血管」的方式救活金融體系,而非胡亂大量發鈔)
3) 美股否極泰來的機會不細
4) 大洗牌後,將會是環球大型優質企業的遊戲
5) 市場偏向重質而不重量
6) 「De-Leveraging」和「Simplicity」將會是環球金融業的趨勢
7) 市場重價值和息率多於高增長(質素和可持續性仍是大前題)
還是套用奧巴馬的名句: 「Change We Need」。話時話,環球市場和政經大局不正是每刻在轉變中?
星期日, 11月 02, 2008
老土還老土,但是夠晒直截了當。孖展買賣(Margin Trading)風險高,股票掛鈎產品(ELI)不一定保本,睇錯市會虧本(2008年版: Accumulator會搞到破產)。
證監會廣告 - 牛篇 (1997)
SFC Commercial - Learn Before Investment
證監會提提你 - 以孖展買賣股票風險比較高
證監會提提你 - 買股票不可以單看股價
證監會提提你 - 股票掛鈎產品不一定保本,睇錯市會虧本,而且潛在回報通常會預設上限
證監會提提你 - 經證監會審批的股票掛鈎產品會列明條款和風險
證監會廣告 - 牛篇 (1997)
SFC Commercial - Learn Before Investment
證監會提提你 - 以孖展買賣股票風險比較高
證監會提提你 - 買股票不可以單看股價
證監會提提你 - 股票掛鈎產品不一定保本,睇錯市會虧本,而且潛在回報通常會預設上限
證監會提提你 - 經證監會審批的股票掛鈎產品會列明條款和風險
星期六, 11月 01, 2008
你鍾意燈神個名, 俾你攞去
玩股票je, 唔駛輸身家既
買股票係買嬴個隻股票, 唔係為左睇人隻股票
如果你咁鍾意睇股票, 去E-Bay買幾張雷曼股票俾你睇到夠
呢個世界冇D唔爆既路, 甚麼大路/小路係D人諗長出黎呃人
呢D市況要平均落注,追到長閒(長莊), 千祈唔好磨爛席
靈感來源 (6分鐘後):
你鍾意燈神個名, 俾你攞去
玩股票je, 唔駛輸身家既
買股票係買嬴個隻股票, 唔係為左睇人隻股票
如果你咁鍾意睇股票, 去E-Bay買幾張雷曼股票俾你睇到夠
呢個世界冇D唔爆既路, 甚麼大路/小路係D人諗長出黎呃人
呢D市況要平均落注,追到長閒(長莊), 千祈唔好磨爛席
靈感來源 (6分鐘後):
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