
萬法歸一 ,股海唯心至上,到頭來無一法可得,亦無甚麽可失



星期五, 2月 06, 2009


無意中發現,原來不少香港各大超級市場售賣的丹麥曲奇餅品牌,包括數十年來賣到街知巷創者聞的「藍罐曲奇(Kjeldsens)」、十年前較為常見的「Royal Dansk」以及過年過節於惠康有得售賣的「Danish Maid」或「Riberhus」,全部都是由丹麥企業「Dansk Cookie Industri A/S (DCI)」(http://cookies.dk)製造。




Dansk Cookie Industri A/S (DCI) is one of the biggest cookie companies in the world and a major international player in the industry, with two state-of-the-art factories and corporate headquarters located in Denmark.

DCI produces butter cookies for the international export markets, dealing with customers in more than 120 countries, and with subsidiaries in the USA, Hong Kong/China and Russia.

DCI can trace its history as far back as 1890, and is a result of a merger between Kjeldsens and Dansk Biscuit Company in 1993. The company has gone through many changes over the years, and is now a highly efficient, strategy-focused company that is fully dedicated to our core values.

Kjeldsens (藍罐曲奇)
Our premium brand is Kjeldsens Butter Cookies in a blue tin. These cookies are made from natural ingredients and pure butter, and are still baked according to the original recipe from 1933.

In Hong Kong and China, 90 percent of the population know our Kjeldsens brand. These delicate cookies are popular gifts at the Chinese New Year. The Chinese New Year is the longest and most important celebration in the Chinese calendar, and people can take weeks of vacation time off work to prepare for and celebrate the New Year.

Royal Dansk
Royal Dansk Danish Butter Cookies might well be the best-known cookies in the world. In recent decades, this brand has seen tremendous growth in sales in the North American market growth in our other export markets as well.

The foundation for this growth is our meticulous approach to production – using the finest ingredients, stringent quality control and exclusive packaging. These core production principles help distinguish the entire range of Royal Dansk products from the generic market.

其他品牌 (Danish Maid、Riberhus)
DCI offers a wide range of other classic brands in tins, including Ripensa, Queens, Riberhus, Copenhagen and Danish Maid. These brands all share a very high quality and excellent traditional taste.


Royal Dansk

5 則留言:

HM 說...

Wrigley's 都係咁的情況

阿爾伯特 說...


kelvin 說...

too bad it is not a listing company

阿爾伯特 說...

Yes, just similar to Garden the Bakery (嘉頓) and "鴻福堂", and all these companies are cash-cows with no need to be listed :)

Herman 說...
