
萬法歸一 ,股海唯心至上,到頭來無一法可得,亦無甚麽可失



星期一, 7月 28, 2008


Financial Times
Monday, July 28, 2008

Marshall Wace set to pursue financials

Marshall Wace, the US$15bn London hedge fund, has poached Morgan Stanley's head of Asian proprietary trading to set up a financials fund in the latest sign that hedge funds are looking for bargains amid bombed-out bank shares.

Amit Rajpal, a former analyst for the investment bank, will have his fund seeded with more than US$200m from the hedge fund, according to two people familiar with Marshall Wace's plans.

Paul Marshall, chairman and co-founder of Marshall Wace, said the "massive dislocation" in the financial system would create "fantastic buying opportunities" among the banks. "We see very big opportunities in financials," he said. "I can't tell you whether it is in three weeks, three months or a year, but it is not going to be in three years."

5 則留言:

SiMonChan 說...

Source : 信報
2008年7月26日 社評


Part of the article .....

......有報道指從次按泡沫爆破中賺得天文數字厚利、跟美國財長同姓不同名的保爾森(John Paulson,去年以三十七億美元榮登全球對沖基金經理收入榜首),正在組建一家新公司,專門為飽受次按撥備困擾、急須補充資本的金融機構提供資金。.......

You'll Never Walk Alone 說...


N/A 說...

唔知佢地真係睇得咁準定係聰名反被聰明誤呢 !

維斯 Waise 說...


阿爾伯特 說...
