
萬法歸一 ,股海唯心至上,到頭來無一法可得,亦無甚麽可失



星期二, 2月 19, 2008




5 則留言:

阿爾伯特 說...

Hi Hermen:

The Smart people from the US I banks can always cast the magic, before the things Fxxk up at the end :P

Meanwhile, the European institutional investors tend to absorb the risk across the Atlantic.

Anyway, how's your application for the "Master of Finance" program??

Ruth Tam 說...

That's really funny, but that's exactly the truth.

鄭裕文 說...


Herman 說...

europeans wanna get cheap & "good" things?

not yet known for the program. application period is not end yet.

阿爾伯特 說...

Ruth & 空中飛人:

yes, the slide's funny & realistic.

Cos many of the CDO buyers are the European investors....they indirectly assume the risk of the crappy mortgage for the Americans.