
萬法歸一 ,股海唯心至上,到頭來無一法可得,亦無甚麽可失



星期二, 9月 30, 2008




1) 金融業的自然汰弱留強過程已經進行得七七八八,新的強者已經走了出來,例如「JP Morgan」、「Bank of America」、「Wells Fargo」、「Goldman Sachs」、「American Express」、「MetLife」等等

2) 美國樓市離底不遠,從「Rental Yield」、「Affordability」、「自2000年至今的升幅」等分析,都乎合此看法。另外,開始轉強美元再吸引更多海外投資者垂青美國房地產

3) 美匯指數(Dollar Index)再走強(最新達78)。這可能不一定表示美國經濟是轉強,但至少可以解讀為歐洲和亞洲地區的前景較美國更為不樂觀

4) 弱美元(美匯指數低於100)已利好美國的出口,而不少高增值製造活動已從歐洲移進美國

5) 值得留意的是,美匯指數過往有預測美國經濟的能力,並領先4至6個季度。

6) 美國銀行股自7月起一浪高於一浪,這與亞洲銀行股的走勢有很大分別。另外,無寶不落的「Warren Buffett」近月來一直增持美國金融股,大可以估下固中原因。



24 則留言:

You'll Never Walk Alone 說...


我一向不否認你認為美國經濟有機轉穩的論調(惟轉穩不代表經濟會有強勁反彈),但現在的critical moment,銀行同業之間根本不願意互相拆出資金,且看自由經濟能否自我調節,或最終仍須政府幫手


迷失天國 說...

不好意思, 阿爾兄,
我今次同意you'll never walk alone的說法...

阿爾伯特 說...

單單"Federal Reserve"的"Discount Window"制度已能應付商業銀行的"Liquidity"問題。

救市措施的目標其實指向房貸壞帳衍生的金融產品風險,例如政府作為"Mortgage Backed Securities"的擔保人。


另外,亦有人質疑救市措施是否只救"Wall Street",而忽略"Main street"和"Tax Payers"的利益。



peter 說...

how about your view for 2318? do you change all 2318 to 494?

阿爾伯特 說...

I've a more interesting target --> Manulife

Li & Fung will be very interesting in the coming days, get prepared for the drama :)

亞羊 說...

睇下, 來個累豆累.

唔知我地下年又要加稅,想起也心酸....... 不可以, 重覆這...

Cory 說...

Albert, 對不起, 這次要和你走相反方向. 新羅馬帝國已經覆亡, bailout plan 既黃金時間已經過左.

我倒認為亞洲可以獨善其身, 就讓時間證明一切吧~

匿名 說...

樓價是條 "任脈",但可以用各種行政手段截住新增供應,減低貨尾,美國響呢方面可以做既比內地更多。呢樹所講既 係條 "督脈",主要係將一 d 冇價冇市但信貸質素其實不差的貸款激活番個成交,等有個成交價令各銀行及保險公司不用自行焗住亂計個賤價去 mark to market,練乙錚響信報呢兩日分析救市方案建議用 dutch auction 去買入銀行的不良資產其實講到尾亦係如何將 d 冇價冇市的市場激活番。


"... it is the combination of credit losses on low quality structured credits and market to market ‘liquidity losses’ on senior structured credits that has been pushing firms to the wall. The liquidity losses are only temporary, if firms avoid bankruptcy then the value of senior securities will come back to par or very close to par, either when they mature or when the world economy begins to come out of recession. Easier therefore to address the liquidity losses, not the credit losses."

Cory 說...

燦兄, 依家美國絕到話改變會計制度/盡量clarify market value


匿名 說...

extracted from the Draft Bail Out Bill

"Sec. 132. Authority to suspend mark-to-market accounting.

"The Securities and Exchange Commission shall have the authority under the securities laws 12 ... to suspend, by rule, regulation, or order, the application of Statement Number 157 of the Financial Accounting Standards Board for any issuer ... or with respect to any class or category of transaction if the Commission determines that is necessary or appropriate in the public interest and is consistent with the protection of investors."

Sec. 133. Study on mark-to-market accounting.

"The Securities and Exchange Commission, in consultation with the Board [of Governors of the Federal Reserve System] and the Secretary [of the Treasury], shall conduct a study on mark-to-market accounting standards as provided in Statement Number 157 of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, as such standards are applicable to financial institutions, including depository institutions. Such a study shall consider at a minimum —

* (1) the effects of such accounting standards on a financial institution’s balance sheet;

* (2) the impacts of such accounting on bank failures in 2008;

* (3) the impact of such standards on the quality of financial information available to investors;

* (4) the process used by the Financial Accounting Standards Board in developing accounting standards;

* (5) the advisability and feasibility of modifications to such standards; and

* (6) alternative accounting standards to those provided in such Statement Number 157."

The SEC must submit the report to Congress within 90 days after enactment of the bill."

大口仔 說...




匿名 說...

一個比較化繁為簡的 SFAS 157 Fair Value Measurement 簡介

You'll Never Walk Alone 說...



Big Ox 說...

I see from other BLOG that the US property market only drop 15% from peak ? is it true ? If it is true, there is still a lot of room to drop ?

會計仔 說...

依條SFAS157 睇到我嘔, 問題只係有少少來自mark to market accounting, 基本係來自金融毒品, 你賭咁大, 賭咁兇, 就算你唔mark to market, 亦只會無聲無息無預兆地倒下, 到時既驚慌仲緊要.

Cory 說...

關於157, 小弟同意會計仔大大所講, 對於金融機構, 我地更加難掌握佢地既生存狀態.

但事實上, 係illiquid market 中又如何定一個價啦...... 先係一個重點, Paulson 所講既hold to maturity price 又會係咩, 我都已經好confused

大口仔 說...

各位,大口仔估計hold to maturity price即係還原機本步,長線持有資產不按市價入帳,根本依家問題係樓價跌同時會計制度改變,令好多本來屬長線投資的資產短期價值下跌嚴重影響金融機構帳面盈水平,兩樣野同時發生,引發信心危機,銀行借唔到錢所以倒閉。


匿名 說...

如果 held to maturity 的金融資產將來不用 mark to market,那麼公司本身發行的金融負債,例如 會計仔篇文提及,匯豐自己發行的 debt securities ? 它會不會因此少了一筆可觀的賬面收入?


大口仔 說...



阿爾伯特 說...


一粒米 說...

係咪因為大家覺得美國唔掂, 佢就會唔掂呢?

阿爾伯特 說...

考驗功力期, 有戲睇 :)


一粒米 說...

哈! 咁就一齊睇好戲啦


kelvin 說...

494 reminds me a very interesting question

What will happen to Temasek's holding of Merrill after it was sold to BOA?

will Temasek holds BOA as well as exchange of Merrill's stock?

If thats the case, what will be the exchange prices? Do anyone here have any information of that?
